My humble little abode

My humble little abode

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pre-blog life

Hi everyone, look who is still alive!! I am so so sorry that I have not been able to keep in touch with many of you while I have been away. So, as a result of that I decided to create a blog so that you can keep up with me! So when you have time you can read its and see what has been going on. I know that if you are a Gmail user you can post your comments on my blog...but if you are not, you can just email them to me just like all of you have been doing! O and I thought I came up with a pretty good fitting for my URL hunh!

Well, right now I am sitting in the cafeteria of our ship in the bay of beautiful/fantastic/amazing Hong Kong while I wait for the ship to leave for Vietnam soon. :( (If you can't tell, I absolutely love Hong Kong. I think it is the best place I have ever visited in my entire life!!! But I will have to explain all that later). I know, Hong Kong already.... and nobody knows what has been going on since before Hawaii!! So my plan is to go back in time and relive all what has already happened and create entries based on that. Since a lot has gone on since I left, it will take me a while to catch up with myself but I will try to do as fast as I can!

I hope all of you are doing well and life is good for everyone. Keep in touch, cause I love hearing from people that I love! But no promisies on long responses!!
Love Ya!

Ok... so here it goes! The World according to me, as seen through my eyes:


Lisa Y said...

Hello Dahling,
SO good to hear from you! I love your room, especially the picture of the tent girls in Kili. Guess who's thinking of going back??? MIKE! Yes, he's determined to beat that volcano. No thanks... I'm thinking of somewhere like, oh Iceland! es possible...
Take care of yourself. Glad to hear you are having the time of your life :) Put some more pics up!

Pikki Nikki said...

I'm in love wit my Lisa, she rocks an rolls and she grooves it.....!
Let me just say Mike is being silly, he even told me when we were in the middle of Lake Manyara that he did not need to go back...ever! Whatever, Iceland is way better!
Miss you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl -
Glad to hear that you are still hanging in there... Enjoy every minute it and have a wonderful semester...

Lori & Michelle

PS - share that great photography skill you learned

Pikki Nikki said...

Hi Girls,

OOO its so good to hear from you two, I had a really big smile on my face when I saw your post!
I really have been trying to use all those skill you taught me, but "rembering not to breathe" when taking macro pics has been very helpful lately!
Hope you guys are well and I hope school is going good.


stikki said...

pikki i love you!! i miss you so much, and i cant wait til you come! oh and rachael says she loves u too (we are in graphic arts with timmy now lol)
but it was so good to talk to you and hear your voice the other night =]

i love you sooo much,
-love stikki

stikki said...

stikki said...

Unknown said...

Holla Nikki, felicitaciones por tu web site, estaremos leyendo tus publicaciones. Cuidate mucho, te esperamos en diciembre para que nos cuentes todo de tu viaje.
Que Dios te bendiga.

Tavo, Gloria, Jorge Mario y Samuel